Sterling Snow | Divvy

How does a fast growing SaaS startup get 95% of its business leads from inbound marketing?

This week on The Inbound Success Podcast, Divvy VP of Revenue Sterling Snow shares how the company went from 20 employees to more than 140 in 2018, with 95% of that growth fueled by inbound leads.

Some highlights from our discussion include:

  • In 8 months from April to December 2018, Divvy has undergone explosive growth from 20 employees to 140 - and it is expected to more than double in size again in 2019.

  • During that same period, the company raised a Series A and Series B round of funding.

  • 95% of the company's customers come from its inbound marketing efforts.

  • One of the first channels that got results for the company was LinkedIn's sponsored InMail which they used to target demo offers to qualified prospects.

  • They are also seeing some good results from paid advertising on Quora.

  • Today, sponsored content is driving strong results - particularly paid email newsletter placements.

  • On an average day, the company sees between 300 and 700 demo requests per day from its inbound marketing efforts.

  • Looking ahead to the coming year, Divvy is planning to expand its marketing efforts through podcast guest appearances, dimensional mailing, and an increased focus on SEO.

Resources from this episode:

Listen to the podcast to get the details behind Divvy's explosive growth and the inbound marketing strategies behind their success.


Harry Campbell | The Rideshare Guy


Arlen Robinson | Omnistar Interactive