Harry Campbell | The Rideshare Guy

How did Harry Campbell build one of the most recognized and trusted brands in the ridesharing/mobility space by starting with a personal blog?

This week on The Inbound Success Podcast, Harry Campbell, better known as "The Rideshare Guy" shares the story of how a personal blog that he started when he left his engineering career to drive for Lyft evolved to become a full fledged media platform for the rideshare and mobility industry - all in just four years.

From blogging, to podcasting, a successful YouTube channel, a book, online courses and more, Harry has built a platform that has a loyal following and is attracting the attention of industry juggernauts include Uber, Lyft, Bird and Lime.

Some highlights from my conversation with Harry include:

  • Harry started The Rideshare Guy in 2014 as a blog, and today it has grown into a full fledged media platform for the rideshare and mobility industry that encompasses the blog, a podcast, a successful YouTube channel, a book, paid courses, consulting and more.

  • Today, he has more than 75,000 email subscribers on the blog, gets 500,000+ page views a month, has a YouTube channel with 35,000+ subscribers and 400,000+ views a month, and a podcast that gets 10,000+ downloads a month.

  • The Rideshare Guy has built a strong brand in the rideshare/mobility industry and now Harry is monetizing that through sponsorships and consulting with companies like Uber and Lyft.

  • Harry is not a marketer by training, but believes that the best SEO strategy is to listen to your audience's questions and answer them in your content. That is exactly what he has done on his blog, podcast and YouTube channel.

  • His goal is to get to the point where his audience can find him on any platform simply by searching "The Rideshare Guy," but he also recognizes the importance of owning your audience so he is always trying to drive his audience back to his site where he can capture them as an email subscribers.

  • Harry attributes much of his success to consistency and says this is where most marketers and entrepreneurs fail. Creating great content takes perseverance and work, but it pays off in the long run.

Resources from this episode:

Listen to the podcast to learn how Harry went from blogger to rideshare entrepreneur.


David Meerman Scott | Author, entrepreneur and keynote speaker


Sterling Snow | Divvy