Brian Greenberg | Entrepreneur and author

This week on The Inbound Success Podcast, entrepreneur and author Brian J. Greenberg shares the digital marketing formula he used to take on the giants of the life insurance industry and drive growth for his small insurance startup. 

Brian has documented his process in his book, "The Salesman Who Doesn't Sell," but you can learn all about them in today's episode.

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Some highlights from our discussion include:

  • The life insurance industry is one of the top four most competitive industries to rank for in Google, but Brian has successfully grown traffic and leads to his website, often outranking major brand name competitors.

  • Inspired by a talk given by Will Reynolds of Seer Interactive, Brian focuses on doing "really company stuff" in his internet marketing (basically, he doesn't try and game the system).

  • He starts by building his website's link profile through high quality back links.

  • Using freelancers he finds through, Brian writes keyword-rich articles that he gets placed on third party websites through his online PR efforts.

  • He then shares those articles by linking to them on his website press page.

  • Brian doesn't mind paying outsourced writers or PR experts because he knows the value of a high quality backlink (which he measures using SEMRush).

  • He has a very thorough process for vetting outsourced writers that he uses to help with content creation.

  • Brian is a contributor to online publications like Entrepreneur and Forbes and those sites have given him very high quality backlinks.

  • He also writes long form answers on Quora and has found that these gain the attention of publications that then request to republish them.

  • Brian uses cash incentives to encourage his staff to solicit online reviews and testimonials as a way of establishing site authority and boosting lead conversions.

  • Brian measures ROI by determining the exact dollar value of a new backlink or online review.

  • His marketing system has resulted in True Blue Life Insurance having a lead to customer conversion rate that is 10x that of its competitors.

Listen to the podcast to learn, step-by-step, how to get killer inbound marketing results just like Brian has.


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