Andre van den Assum | Wipster

How does a small, 25 person SaaS company regularly attract 700+ registrants to its webinars?

This week on The Inbound Success Podcast, my guest is Andre van den Assum, the Marketing and Partnerships Manager for Wipster, a cloud-based a video workflow collaboration review platform. I had heard from a colleague that Wipster was absolutely killing it with its webinars and was excited to talk with Andre about how he consistently generates such large numbers of attendees.

Our conversation gets super detailed, with specifics on how much Wipster spends on paid media (TL;DR - not much), what the click-through rate is on their email newsletter, how long their promotional timeline is for each webinar, and the percent of leads they get from each marketing channel.  

Some highlights from my conversation with Andre include:

  • Wipster is a video workflow collaboration review platform. The company currently has 25 employees with offices in New Zealand and Portland, Oregon.

  • They have thousands of customers around the world, including big brands like Disney, Red Bull, Shopify and Delta Airlines, and many smaller brands as well.

  • Wipster regularly gets hundreds of registrants for its webinars, which it typically produces with partners.

  • They get many of their webinar leads from email marketing, and typically include a promotional video about the webinar in their emails.

  • One channel they use for email promotion is their newsletter, which goes out to 40,000 people that has a 25% open rate.

  • Their webinar marketing campaigns typically last two weeks.

  • For a recent webinar on which Wipster partnered with Brightcove Deloitte, 50% of the registrations came from email marketing (12% were from promotions in Wipster's email newsletter), and out of 1100 total webinar registrations, Wipster drove 700 of those (with the remaining 400 from Brightcove).

  • 10% of their webinar leads come from social media.

  • For one webinar, Wipster advertised in Marketing Profs' email newsletter. The cost for that campaign was $3,000 and the newsletter went to a list of 13,000. That yielded 120 leads at $24 a lead.

  • Wipster posts all of its webinars to its YouTube channel, where they typically attract 600+ views each.

Resources from this episode:

Listen to the podcast to learn all about the marketing campaigns and tactics that regularly attract 700+ attendees to Wipster's webinars.


Derek Weeks | The Linux Foundation


David Meerman Scott | Author, entrepreneur and keynote speaker